TARGA Official Spotlight: Greg & Vicki Rekers

Greg and Vicki Rekers are long-time TARGA Tour Leaders.
Since their first event at TARGA High Country in 2016, Greg and Vicki have become regular faces in the TARGA Tour events, guiding Tour cars along some of the most beautiful and interesting roads in Australia.
While the driving brought them to TARGA initially, it’s the people that have brought them back over the many years.
As we celebrate National Volunteers Week 2023, we caught up with Greg and Vicki to reflect on their fond TARGA memories and some of their volunteering highlights.
What was your very first TARGA event like & how did you get involved?
Dave Thompson had to pull out of THC in 2016, but he had a car there for us (the old XKR Jag) and with little knowledge but a bucket load of excitement we made the best of it and hosted the Delatite Drives club from Mansfield. It was a hoot!

What is your fondest memory of TARGA?
It will always be our first Targa TAS. We found ourselves hosting the past competitors on the Tour, and these champions had more plates and podiums and wonderful stories that quickly brought us into the TARGA family.
What is a TARGA moment or story you’ll never forget?
It was when Shannon’s brought a group of very special guests to Tasmania in some of the most incredible Ferraris, and Lambos. On the first day, our Blue Lambo thought it was a Victa lawn mower and took to a paddock. All was well, the 100kph tape came out (in matching colour) and we were back in the game.
Are there any significant people who have played an important role in your TARGA experiences?
So many! But to name a couple; Gavin James, Michael Mansour, Ian Knight and all that crew, and of course Chris Gough who guided us through our early years.

What was your first car like?
First car in TARGA was the XKR Jag owned by Tommo, an ex British touring car I think but still had all the characteristics of an unreliable Jag.
Vicki and I are Audi lovers so from that event on it’s been Audis apart from the one time I listened to my family in Mansfield and took our CV8 Monaro for the year, and yes of course it snowed!
You can only choose one song to listen to while driving for the rest of your days; name that song!
Hotel California

You have two empty spots in your dream garage; name one classic car and one modern car that you’d park there.
1985 Audi Quattro. And Audi R8
Describe your driving style in three words.
Too slow for Gavin and Mike apparently. But it’s a tour, boys !