Targa tasmania AWARDS
TARGA Tasmania is a genuine endurance rally, where simply finishing the event is seen as a major achievement. However, the main goal for most competitors at TARGA Tasmania is to be awarded a TARGA plate for completing all TARGA stages under a pre-set time. The award is modelled on Targa Florio, where a porcelain plate was awarded for completing the race. A Golden TARGA Trophy is awarded to those who achieve a TARGA plate in three successive years of the event.
An even more impressive milestone, the Platinum TARGA Trophy is presented to those who have already won a Golden TARGA Trophy and, since winning that trophy, have again been awarded a TARGA Trophy in another three successive years, and so the journey goes on.
Next comes the Diamond TARGA Trophy, which is presented to those who have already won a Platinum TARGA Trophy and, since winning that trophy, have again been awarded a TARGA Trophy in three successive years, followed by the Gold Diamond TARGA Trophy and TARGA watch, which is presented to any crew member who has already won a Diamond TARGA Trophy and, since winning that trophy, has again been awarded a TARGA Trophy in three successive years.
The ultimate achievement is the Platinum Diamond TARGA Trophy, which is presented to any crew member who has already won a Gold Diamond TARGA Trophy and, since winning that trophy, has again been awarded a TARGA Trophy in three successive years; yes that is 15 years of success and with this comes automatic induction into the TARGA Hall of Fame Legends. Rare space indeed!
Golden Targa trophy
A Golden TARGA Trophy will be presented to the driver and co-driver or navigator of each crew who satisfies the requirements for a TARGA Trophy in three successive years of the event.
The Golden TARGA Trophy will be presented in lieu of the normal TARGA Trophy award.
Peter Buckingham, Charles Button, Bill Griffiths, Graham Harrison, Keith Hawley, Reg Kenny, Tim Lynas, John Moore, John Pooley, Roger Richardson, Graeme Sedgwick, Pip Welch and John Wright.
George Bevan, Peter Burrey, Wayne Clark, Des Dillon, Michael Hogarth, Ian Ross Johnson, Anthony Kanak, Eddie Lachowicz, Chris McIndoe, Bryan Mendelson, Debra Mendelson, Mike Mier, Andrew Ogg, Barry Oliver, Russell Patterson, Jim Richards, Barry Lack and Errol Stewart, John Dowling.
Guy Bedington, Keith Blanket, Terry Curtain, Jason Dann, Antonia Devlin, Craig Devlin, Terry Dickens, Robert Edwards, Peter Godden, Danny Bogut, Ken Gover, Ray Gulson, Peter Harbison, Tony Jackson, Andrew Jones, Ray Lintott (dec.), Murray Lord, Kerry Luck, Glenn Ridge, Mac Russell (dec.), Andrew Sluce, Neville Smith, Kim Taylor and Peter Whitaker, Graham Lloyd.
Keith Brodie, Kerry Cranfield, Sean Cranfield, Roger Durst, Rex Growden, Angus Macleod, Ian Madden, Don McKay, Lynn Rattray, Andrew Schmidt, Barbara Spits, Hans Spits, Chris Stephen, Dee Stephen, Geoff Taylor and Robert White.
Gary Burton, Mark Clements, Simon Finlay, Christine Freestone, Paul Freestone, Mae-Lin Hendry, Drew Kent, Pat Kent, Chas Latter (dec.), John Lenne, Howard Long, Linda Long, Corey Pilkington, Lawrie Pitt, Martin Rees, Geoff Rosan, Mark Saxby, Barry Smith, Terry Smith, Brian Taylor, Terry Warren, Georgia Warwick, Max Warwick and Christopher Williams.
Brian Austin, Graham Bell, Max Brookman, Mel Brookman, Keith Buckingham, Jeff Church, Greg Cook, Graham Copeland, Craig Dean, Ross Dillon, Guy Dunstan, Steve Gasparinatos (dec.), Michael Grabau, Pamela Grabau, Garry Jones, Peter Jones, Winston Kim, Tim Pyne, John Skippen, Ken Smith, Jeff Thorne, Paul Tucker and Tony Wilson.
Philip Blake, Colin Bray, Jeremy Browne, Ken Bunn, Rachael Coad, Steve Coad, Peter Cook, Kerry Dean, Travis Dean, Brian Dermott, Linda Dermott, Greg Dickson, Peter Dickson, Peter Fitzgerald, Richard Francke, Ken Garrioch, Jeff Gill, Melanie Gill, John Ireland, Graham Kent, Leigh Kent, Scott Kent, Peter Landan, Brian Learoyd (dec.), Peter Millikin, Ian Morris, Mike Moylan, Hugh Palmer, John Potter, Martin Reeves, Brian Robinson, Andrew Row, George Row, Garry Scott, Lorraine Smith, Robert Taylor, Rob Temminghoff, Warwick Thomas, Peter Thomson, Simon Thomson, Gary Tierney, Mark Tierney, Ray Williams and Michael Wood.
Les Andrews, David Banes, Neal Bates, Jeff Beable, Nerida Beable, Mark Connolly, Andrew Crawford, Geoff Duggan, Leon Duggan, John Felder, Blair Hayden, Adam Kaplan, David Kaplan, Peter Killick, Sally Kirkright, Derek Lavine, Phillip Nichols, David Ogg, Colin Palmer, Mark Perry, Tony Quinn, Tony Robertson, John Suttle, Philip Streten, Paul Stuart, Coral Taylor, Brian Titheradge, Peter Upton, Robert Van Wegen, Ruth Williams, John Williamson, Michael Wilson.
Christopher Alp, David Ayers, Charles Blizzard, Steve Bruce, Terri Bruce, Kim Burke, Mark Burns, Nigel Chilton, Mark Cummings, Ian Curry, Sarah Curry, Ray Dean, David Dungey, Carol Fitzgerald, Lee Harper, John Howard, Lindsay Jackson, Richard Kimber, John Lawson, David Patterson, Bill St Leger, Denis Stone, Greg Sutton, John Sutton, Stephen Thatcher, Graeme Warner, David White, Paul Willoughby, Geoff Wise, Scott Young.
Simon Bartter, Geoff Blow, Neil Botha, Warren Bryan, Lynn Carr, Rex Carr, John Chalmers, Henry Draper, Roslyn Draper, Barry Faux, Ross Firth, Richard Fleming, Robert Hadley, Brett Haines, Justin Haines, Geoff Hall, Peter Heron, Martin Higgins, Michael Hopkins, Kerry Horgan, Gavin James, James Miedecke, Geoffrey Neale, Brian O’Kane, Wayne Pfingst, Ray Pollard, Jonathan Priddle, Robert Priddle, Keith Richardson, Peta Roberts, Marjorie Russell, Laurie Smythe, Jillian Steaurt, Ross Steaurt, Alan Taylor, Andrew White, Woody Wilson.
Richard Bendell, Virginia Bevan, Rex Broadbent, Roger Carter, Joe Caudo, Adam Clarke, Peter Clarke, David Currow, Craig De Somerville, Ian Fisher, Graeme Furness, Robert Gambino, Michael Goedheer, Syd Jenkins, Garey Lansdell, Alan Letcher, Bronwyn Matheson, Duncan Matheson, Stewart McAuley, John Palmer, Keith Rushworth, Tim Rushworth, Jon Siddins, Biji Thomas, Craig Thomas, Keith Wannop, Craig Williams, Richard Woodward.
Malcolm Allen, John Aust, John Bendell, Paul Blackie, Andrew Bullard, Rhonda Burrowes, Paul Burrows, David Carra, Gayle Cattlin, Len Cattlin, Chris Charge, Neal Charge, Glyn Crimp, Ryan Curnick, Amanda Davison, Simon Davison, Michael Francis, Bill Gordon, Karien Heimsohn, Peter Jackson, Peter Lowe, Robin Lowe, Graham Mitchell, George Nittis, Kevin O’Daly, Jim Reark (dec.), Tristan Roberts, Brad Robinson, Annette Skinner, Maxwell Ullrich, Peter Ullrich, Bernie Webb, Stewart Webster, Simon Winter.
John Allen, Peter Blackie, Peter Brown, Tracey Button, Edward Chivers, John Coleman, John Colvin, David Cooper, David Cooper, Leo Dipetta, Tony Esplin, Kim Ewart, Doug Fernie, Carey Fraser, Tony Gary, Garry Hetheringston, Laurence Kalnin, Rod King, Ian Knight, Chritian Knoetze, Luke Latter, Nicole Locker, Nik Prieston, Bruce Robins, Adrian Stafford, Chris Stannard, Geoff Thomas, Kim Vajda, Charles Walford, Daniel Wilson.
Melinda Both, Richard Bullard, James Catts, Michael De Vere, Darren Easterbrook, Toni Feaver, Simon Froude, Paul Grit, Paul Henry, Ray Julian, Philip Leith, Will Logan, Tony Longhurst, John Palmer, Cameron Reeves, Michael Ribot, Duane Rodgers, Dave Thomas, Dylan Thomas, Iain Turner, Ben Wooster, Ashley Yelds.
Jasmine Both, Peter Eames, Ernie Fuller, Will Gordon, Phil Hart, Richard Hooper, Hitomi Kawasaki, Shuji Kawasaki, Terry Keen, John Loth, David Mathias, Malcolm McDonald, David Morton, Stella Plenderlith, Michael Ryalls, Nigel Shellshear, Kevin Wilson.
Graeme Beaupeurt, Robbie Bolton, Greg Burrowes, Bruce Bush, Matt Close, David Dahl, Christopher Dean, Mike Gascoigne, James Hallett, Stuart Hatton, Debra Heron, Keith Johnstone, Angus Kennard, Ivan Limb, Scott Millar, James Parish, Chris Perini, Richard Perini, David Potter, Bruce Power, Martin Power, Frank Purdey, Marcus Randolph, Ian Roberts, Peter Rogers, Ric Shaw, Sam Tapping, Simon Vandenberg, Ian Wheeler, Max Williams.
Mike Batten, Paul Batten, Andrew Bollom, Nicole Bryan, Ann Connolly, Natasha Deniese, Kerry Finn, Damien Grimwood, Glenn Harris, Norman Henry, Dean Herridge, Mike Herrod, Paul Kelley, Michael Minshall, Vincent Rowbottom, Ben Searcy, Paul Thomas, Naomi Tillett, Tony Warren, Jamie Vandenberg.
Rod Conry, Bruce Davey, Mike Davey, Darren Grainger, Kelly Handley, Graham Iddles, Paul Krawczyk, Andrew Mawson, Simon Morse, Dennis Neagle, Brendan Reeves, Christiaan Roberts, Rhianon Smyth, Sari Ullrich, Todd Zani.
Geoff Goodwin, Jenny Cole,Chris Randell, Steve McClintock, Jann Skinner, Alex Molocznyk, Ray Baker, Adam Spence, Brendan Manion, Frank Brookhouse, Shane Cary.
Jack Waldron, Vin Gregory, Ashley Yelds, Mark Hammond, Damien O’Halloran, Ben Manion, Damien Roach, Oliver Ridge, David Mcmillan, Paul Van Der Mey, Ben Matthews, Bruce Robins, Neil Gibson
Ted Banks, Bruce Douglas, Rod McCray, Roy Davis, Colleen Davis, Kirrilee Gentleman
Dennis Sims, Michael Reynolds, Stacey Reynolds, Therezia Mihajlovic, Phillipe Etienne, Neil Ford, Daniel Ford, Nathalie Ford, Colin Maher, Ian Cudmore, Mark Clair, Dale Moscatt, Liam Howarth, Larry Howarth
Trevor Berriman, Stephen Rochester, Ginetta Rochester, Michael Farrell, Tony Smart, John Provan, Geoffrey Bott, Kathy Henry, Pater Mayer, Andrew Robinson, Thomas Browell, Kajeera Jenkins, Andrew Clingeleffer, David Rust, Stuart Greaves, David Gilliver
Suzanne Atkins
SPEED LIMITED: Jeff Beable, Nerida Beable, Martin Duursma, Alan Gluyas, Heather Gluyas, Christine Kirby, Darryl Marshall, Lance Pattullo, Peter Pisko, Christopher Waldock, Richard Wodhams
Nicholas Stokes, Nathan Stokes, Marcin Jankowiak, Daniel Goss, Janet Binns, Samantha Winter, Peter Gluskie, Gary Mourant, Guy Lilleyman, John Lilleyman, Josh Hilton, Bryan Ponting, Michael Pritchard, Rodney Vanderpoel
Grant Chugg, Michael Bray, Daniel Bray, Jordan Bridge, Debbie Bridge, Alex Wasson, Lance Wasson, Paul Stokell, George Nakas, Ben Henson
SPEED LIMITED: Steve Brumby, Peter Marshall
Caleb Ash, Zak Brakey, Ray Farrell, Scott Griffin, Richard Huelin, Crichton Lewis, Jeffrey Morton, Linda Rankine, Andrew Sarandis, Barrie Smith, Steven Van Der Brug
SPEED LIMITED: Heather Brumby, Anthony Grace, Craig Jones, Peter Taylor, Tristan Taylor
Russell Hannah, Michael Logan, Jon Siddins, Gina Siddins, Aleshia Penney, Lee Challoner-Miles, Kathryn Catford, Luke Anear, Daymon Nicoli, Edwin Maguire, Adam Kudra, Dylan Braithwaite
Platinum Targa trophy
A Platinum TARGA Trophy will be presented to the driver and co-driver or navigator of each crew who have already won a Golden TARGA Trophy, and since winning that trophy, has again satisfied the requirements for a TARGA Trophy in three successive years of the event.
The Platinum TARGA Trophy will be presented in lieu of the normal TARGA Trophy award.
Peter Buckingham, Michael Catchpole, Des Dillon, Michael Hogarth, Reg Kenny, Mike Mier, John Moore, Andrew Ogg, Barry Oliver and Jim Richards.
Robert Edwards, Ken Gover, Peter Harbison and Glenn Ridge.
Craig Devlin, Angus Macleod, John Pooley, Lynn Rattray, Neville Smith and Robert White.
Wayne Clark, Roger Durst, Simon Finlay, Christine Freestone, Paul Freestone, Tony Jackson, Russell Paterson, Martin Rees, Roger Richardson, Mark Saxby, Barbara Spits, Hans Spits and Terry Warren.
Brian Austin, Graham Bell, Keith Buckingham, Mark Clements, Greg Cook, Craig Dean, Mae-Lin Hendry, Garry Jones and Christopher Williams.
Keith Blanket, Peter Burrey, Ken Garrioch, Andrew Jones, Pat Kent, Winston Kim, Brian Learoyd (dec.), Hugh Palmer, Lawrie Pitt, Mac Russell (dec.), Lorraine Smith, Geoff Taylor, Mark Tierney, Gary Tierney and Peter Whitaker.
Jeff Beable, Nerida Beable, Graham Copeland, John Felder, Tim Lynas, Colin Palmer, Tony Robertson and Pip Welch.
Drew Kent, Graham Kent, John Lenne, Brian Robinson, John Sutton, Greg Sutton, Paul Tucker, David White and Scott Young.
Christopher Alp, Philip Blake, Colin Bray, Andrew Crawford, Mark Cummings, Ross Steuart and Jillian Steuart.
Steve Bruce, Terri Bruce, Mark Burns, Graeme Furness, Lee Harper, Chas Latter, David Patterson and Andrew White.
David Ayers, Andrew Bullard, David Carra, Joe Caudo, Amanda Davison, Simon Davison, Barry Faux, Peter Jackson, Wayne Pfingst, Brad Robinson and Stephen Thatcher.
Simon Bartter, Rex Broadbent, Rhonda Burrowes, Chris Charge, Neal Charge, David Cooper, Tony Esplin, Doug Fernie, Peter Heron, Garry Hetherington, Laurence Kalnin, Peter Killick, Peter Lowe, Robin Lowe, Kerry Luck, Nik Prieston, Tony Quinn, Marjorie Russell and Bernie Webb.
Virgina Bevan, Richard Bullard, Mark Connolly, Geoff Duggan, Leon Duggan, Ian Knight, Philip Leith, Cameron Reeves, Michael Ribot, Duane Rodgers, Paul Stuart, Craig Thomas, Dave Thomas and Dylan Thomas.
Karien Heimsohn, Peter Ullrich and Max Warwick.
Ross Steuart, Jill Steuart, John Loth, David Ogg, Debra Heron, Ian Morris, Paul Henry, Scott Millar, Christopher Dean, Tracey Button, Gregory Burrowes, Travis Dean, Sam Tapping
Mike Herrod, Jenna Kelley, Michael Minshall, Kerry Finn, Richard Perini, Chris Perini
Bob Priddle, Kelly Handley, Glenn Harris, Glyn Crimp
Stuart McAuley
Richard Woodward, David McMillan, Nicole Bryan, David Mathias, Paul Van Der Mey, Nigel Shellshear
Sari Ullrich, Ted Banks, Bruce Douglas, Bruce Power, Peter Roberts, Angus Kennard, Ian Wheeler, Kim Burke, Neil Botha
Barrie Smith, Mark Clair, Philippe Etienne
Trevor Berriman, Damian O’Halloran, Simon Winter, Andrew Clingeleffer, Max Williams, Bruce Bush, David Gilliver
Suzanne Atkins, Mark Hammond, Katharine Henry, Dale Moscatt, John Provan, Michael Reynolds, Stacey Reynolds
SPEED LIMITED: Martin Duursma, Christine Kirby, Darryl Marshall, Christopher Waldock, Richard Wodhams
Peter Gluskie, Samantha Winter, Malcom Allen, Adam Kaplan, Adam Spence, Joshua Hilton, Rodney Vanderpoel
Diamond Targa trophy
A Diamond TARGA Trophy and gold stick pin will be presented to the driver and co-driver or navigator of each crew who have already won a Platinum TARGA Trophy, and since winning that trophy, has again satisfied the requirements for a TARGA Trophy in three successive years of the event.
The Diamond TARGA Trophy will be presented in lieu of the normal TARGA Trophy award.
Reg Kenny
Robert Edwards, John Moore, Barry Oliver, Jim Richards and Glenn Ridge.
Peter Buckingham, Michael Hograth, Mike Mier, Andrew Ogg, Lynn Rattray and Neville Smith.
Ken Gover, Peter Harbison, Tony Jackson and John Pooley.
Brian Austin, Garry Jones and Russell Paterson.
Peter Burrey, Wayne Clark, Greg Cook, Christine Freestone, Paul Freestone, Pat Kent, Roger Richards and Lorraine Smith.
Jeff Beable, Nerida Beable, Craig Dean, John Felder, Geoff Taylor and Gary Tierney.
Simon Finlay, Ken Garrioch, Graham Kent and Lawrie Pitt.
Brian Robinson, Mac Russell (dec.) and Greg Sutton.
George Bevan, John Ireland, John Lenne, Kim Taylor and Pip Welch.
Andrew Bullard, Joe Caudo, Peter Jackson, Drew Kent, Brad Robinson, Stephen Thatcher and Craig Williams.
Wayne Pfingst, Marjorie Russell, Rex Broadbent, Peter Heron, Rhonda Burrowes, Laurence Kalnin, Doug Fernie, Tony Quinn, Ross Steuart, Jill Steuart
Andrew White, Paul Stuart, Richard Bullard, Tony Robertson, Robin Lowe, Peter Lowe
Simon Davison, Amanda Davison, Lee Harper
Gregory Burrowes, Barry Faux, David Cooper
David Ogg, Paul Henry, Chris Perini, Richard Perini, Michael Minshall
Peter Ullrich, Kelly Handley, Max Warwick, Naomi Tillett
John Loth, Stewart McAuley
Nigel Shellshear, Nicole Bryan
Edward Banks, Philip Blake, Bruce Douglas, Angus Kennard, Peter Roberts, Sari Ullrich, Ian Wheeler
Bruce Power, Mark Clair, Philippe Etienne, Barrie Smith, Nik Prieston
Gold diamond Targa trophy
A Golden Diamond TARGA Trophy will be presented to the driver and co-driver or navigator of each crew who have already won a Diamond TARGA Trophy, and since winning that trophy, has again satisfied the requirements for a TARGA Trophy in three successive years of the event.
The Golden Diamond TARGA Trophy will be presented in lieu of the normal TARGA Trophy award.
Reg Kenny
Robert Edwards, Barry Oliver, Jim Richards and Glenn Ridge.
Neville Smith
Peter Burrey and Greg Cook.
Jeff Beable, Nerida Beable and John Pooley.
Wayne Clark, Tony Jackson, Lynn Rattray, Roger Richardson and Lorraine Smith.
Mac Russell (dec.) and Brian Robinson
Geoff Taylor and Stephen Thatcher
Paul Freestone, Christine Freestone, Ross Stuart, Jill Stuart, Rhonda Burrowes, Laurence Kalnin
Marjorie Russell, Greg Sutton, Tony Quinn, Brad Robinson, Richard Bullard
Simon Davison, Amanda Davison, Lee Harper, Doug Fernie
Greg Burrowes, John Ireland
Robin Lowe, Peter Lowe, Ken Gover, Michael Minshall
David Cooper, Paul Henry, Peter Ullrich
Stewart Mcauley, Richard Perini, Christopher Perini
Platinum diamond Targa trophy
A Platinum Diamond TARGA Trophy and pin will be presented to the driver and co-driver or navigator of each crew who have already won a Golden Diamond TARGA Trophy, and since winning that trophy, has again satisfied the requirements for a TARGA Trophy in three successive years of the event.
The Platinum Diamond Targa Trophy will be presented in lieu of the normal Targa Trophy award.
Winners will be automatically inducted into the Hall of Fame Targa Legends.
Reg Kenny
Robert Edwards, Barry Oliver, Jim Richards and Glenn Ridge.
Neville Smith
Greg Cook
Brian Robinson, Mac Russell (dec.), Wayne Clark
Geoff Taylor, Stephen Thatcher
Rhonda Burrowes, Laurence Kalnin
Marjorie Russell, Brad Robinson
Richard Bullard
Simon Davison, Amanda Davison, Anthony Quinn, Gregory Burrowes
The TARGA Tasmania Hall of Fame has been set up to honour outstanding commitment to the event by past and present competitors. Competitors are automatically admitted to the Hall of Fame on completion of 15 events, when they are also awarded the John Large Memorial Award. TARGA Tasmania believes that if a competitor reaches this milestone, they really deserve to be remembered forever. The TARGA Tasmania Legends section within TARGA Tasmania Hall of Fame is for the competitor who achieves the ultimate Platinum Diamond TARGA Plate (five sets of three TARGA plates).
Hall of fame LEGENDS
Reg Kenny
Robert Edwards, Barry Oliver, Jim Richards, Glenn Ridge
Neville Smith
Greg Cook
Brian Robinson, Mac Russell (dec.), Wayne Clark
Geoff Taylor, Stephen Thatcher
Laurence Kalnin, Rhonda Burrowes
Marjorie Russell, Brad Robinson
Richard Bullard
Simon Davison, Amanda Davison, Anthony Quinn, Gregory Burrowes
John Large (dec.), Rhonda Matthews
Tom Snooks
Reg Kennedy, Winston Kim, Geoff Taylor
Peter Burrey, Greg Cook, Vin Gregory, Barry Oliver, Jim Richards, Glenn Ridge, Mac Russell (dec.), Neville Smith, Jack Waldron
Jeff Beable, Nerida Beable, Robert Edwards, Lawrie Pitt, John Pooley
George Bevan, David Cooper, Glyn Crimp, Tony Jackson, Drew Kent, Lynn Rattray, Wayne Clark, Roger Richardson, Pip Welch
Virginia Bevan, Phillip Blake, Geoff Duggan, Christine Freestone, Paul Freestone, Mike Moylan, Peter Roberts, Ken Roddam (dec.), Gary Tierney (dec.)
Marcia Brown, Ron Brown, Joe Caudo, Lee Harper, Adam Kaplan, Pontus Reutersward (dec.)
Mike Batten, Paul Stuart, John Ireland, Andrew Bryson, John Potter, David Ayers, Kim Taylor, Jason White, Brian Robinson, Craig Dean, Gary Lansdell
Ian Morris, David Kaplan, Rhonda Burrows, Mike Herrod, Wayne Pfingst, Tony Quinn, Tony Robertson, Max Warwick
Peter Ulrich, David Cooper, Michael Ribot, Stephen Thatcher, Greg Burrowes, Majorie Russell
Alex Molocznyk, John White, Brad Robinson, David Currow, Andrew White, Greg Sutton, Philip Leith
Craig Williams, Simon Davison, Amanda Davison, Ian Wheeler, Doug Fernie, Jon Siddins, Graham Bell
David Ogg, Barry Faux, Kerry Finn, John Loth, Robin Lowe, Graham Copeland, Jenny Cole, Bernie Webb
Laurence Kalnin, Peter Lowe, Barrie Smith, Nik Prieston, Nigel Shellshear, Ken Gover
Ted Banks, Bruce Bush, Matt Close, Cameron Reeves, Keith Johnstone, Max Williams, Richard Woodward, Julie Winton-Monet, Ian Roberts
David Gilliver, Steve Glenney, Richard Bullard, Ashley Yelds
Brian Dermott, Linda Dermott, Paul Henry, Bruce Power, Chris Perini, Richard Perini, Michael Minshall, Angus Kennard, Kelly Handley, Sari Ullrich, Susie Newcombe, Pam Von Stieglitz, Joy Marshall, Geoff Pilgrim, Jim Reddiex, Garry Searle, Norrie Hayes, Josh Hill, Hamish Marquis