TARGA is saddened this week to hear of the passing of Allan Horsley.

Allan’s legacy has been talked about a lot in the motorsport media in recent days, and TARGA CEO Mark Perry paid tribute to Allan’s legacy and his contribution to TARGA Tasmania.

“His passion for the event led to the single biggest manufacturer program directly involved in TARGA,” Perry said.

“A program that delivered great success to Mazda over many years with both the RX-7SP and the RX8-SP, which was specifically designed for TARGA competition. These cars still compete in TARGA in the hands of their current owners.

“Allan’s passion and vision for TARGA led to things like the Showroom competition and his mentoring of myself and Stuart Benson will never be forgotten by either of us.

“For me, it was a rare privilege in my own journey to spend quality time with Allan Horsley. Extremely competitive but kind, Allan always had the time to share his experience with you to ensure the ongoing success of TARGA Tasmania.

“They were special times and whilst Mazda never quite made it to an outright win at TARGA Tasmania, it wasn’t through a lack of trying with a little lady luck never going their way.

“Ten years on since Allan retired, and TARGA has not seen anything like it since and is unlikely to in the future.

“In recent years, Allan would send me regular emails pointing out the crazier side of the world we now live in and they never failed to deliver some laughs. I along with many others will miss Allan and may he always rest in peace.

Sincere condolences to Allan’s family and friends.”