Shane Jacobson to drive ‘Brock’s Monaro’ at TARGA Tasmania

A replica of Peter Brock’s Red Monaro

Thursday, 15th April, 2021

Organisers of TARGA Tasmania have pulled off a major coup with confirmation that film and television star Shane Jacobson will compete behind the wheel of an exact replica of Peter Brock’s Holden Monaro.

Jacboson, a long-time motorsport fan who has competed in several rallies on mainland Australia in the past, will realise one of his lasting motoring ambitions by having his first taste of the iconic Tasmanian tarmac odyssey.

The acclaimed actor, writer and funnyman will have the services of the brilliantly credentialled Naomi Tillett who will call the pace notes for the 37-stage, 620 kilometre rally. Tillett won TARGA Tasmania as co-driver for Tony Quinn in 2009 and 2011.

A TARGA-spec 5.7litre V8 Monaro was driven by Brock at the Tasmanian event from 2002-2004.

“It’s a whole bunch of dreams come true to be honest,” Melbourne-based Jacobson said.

“I’ve always wanted to do TARGA Tassie and have been asked but have never been available, but this year the stars aligned and got all my ducks in a row and my wife (Felicity) said yes.

“As a motoring enthusiast and a revhead, and I’m an even share of both, it’s a dream come true.

“Then to be asked to drive the (exact replica) car that Brockie drove, the great part is there is one stage that I’ll be able to beat him on because he ran out of fuel on one stage.

“I’ve actually got a chance for one time in my life to actually beat Brockie.”

Jacobson is excited about the prospects of teaming up with South Australian Tillett whose knowledge and expertise of TARGA will be a considerable asset.

“She is very experienced and at least there is one person in the car who will know what they are doing,” Jacobson quipped.

“But seriously our job is to go out there have a good time and bring the car back home straight and okay do some okay times.

“We want to get a really good flow-on and enjoy the Tasmanian roads at decent speeds.”

Jacobson is understandably pumped at the chance to drive the red Monaro CV8 and is relishing the chance to compete on Tasmania’s technically challenging and scenic roads.

“I’m taking one helmet to protect my head and another helmet to cover up my smile,” he chuckled.

“You can’t get better than the idea of 2000 kilometres of roads of which 620 of that is competitive and all of it with the backdrop of Tasmania’s stunning landscape and terrain. 

“It’s a tick, tick, tick.”

The 29th edition of TARGA Tasmania sees the field leave from the Silverdome in Launceston on a 66km touring stage to the first competitive test, High Plains (5.80km) on April 19. It is the first of 37 timed sages across six days and 2437km of total distance.

Media contact details
Ian Chesterman – 0417 530 902
Gordon Lomas – 0419 733 995

Social media contact details
Jenna Carmichael – 0487 828 620