Statement from TARGA Australia

TARGA to work with Motorsport Australia

TARGA Australia will continue to work with Motorsport Australia following that organisation’s decision to suspend issuing permits for any Targa style tarmac rally events.

The suspension follows the tragic death of a competitor, Tony Seymour, during the recent 2022 TARGA Tasmania.

Motorsport Australia’s Targa Review Panel, which was instigated after the loss of lives at TARGA Tasmania in 2021, will investigate the latest incident and make further recommendations on the future of Targa style tarmac rallies.

TARGA Australia CEO, Mark Perry, said his organisation would cooperate fully with the Review Panel and Motorsport Australia to ensure the future of its three events – Targa Tasmania, Targa High Country and Targa Great Barrier Reef.

TARGA West in Western Australia and the Adelaide Rally are also subject to the Motorsport Australia suspension.

“The loss of Tony at Targa this year was a tragedy and our heartfelt condolences go to his family and friends who continue to feel his loss,” Perry said.

“This is a time for further reflection and we will work with Motorsport Australia to ensure our sport has a bright future.”

“This was the 30th running of TARGA Tasmania, and it has such a special place in our state, and has led to the successful creation of events in Queensland and Victoria.”

As this matter is now subject to the Review Panel’s work, and is before the coroner, TARGA Australia will not be making any further statements.